
资料分类:思想政治 VIP会员(一年级3班)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-05-12
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Abstract:  Efficient combination of politics and current affairs with senior high political lessons can improve students’ comprehensive abilities and promote teachers’ teaching level. However, the teaching status of politics and current affairs show that the educational function of politics and current affairs is ignored, the teachers’ teaching research is inadequate and the impart of information networking is huge. Concerning these problems, this paper explores a path to efficiently realize efficient combination of politics and current affairs with senior high political lessons. To be specific, the path is to transfer learning concepts to give full play to the dominant role of students in teaching practices; transfer teaching concepts to give full play to the dominant role of students in teaching practices; transfer educational concepts and optimize the external environment. 

Key Words: politics of current events; the high school political lesson; teaching; exploration
