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摘要: 琵琶是一种历史悠久的弹拨类乐器。以它独具的结构及演奏技巧而获得坚实、柔美而富有诗意的音响。而琵琶的演奏曲目风格可以分为文曲和武曲,文曲和武曲是根据演奏技法的不同而区分的,文曲主要是依靠左手的技巧来营造婉转细腻、抒情的感觉,武曲则是通过右手的技法来表现现实和激烈的情景。武曲的主要表现大多是通过右手的技法来展现的,右手技法可谓说是武曲中最为关键的。

关键词  琵琶,武曲,右手技法


Abstract:Pipa is one of the most stringed instrument with a long history, legend has two thousand years of history. Lute with its unique structure and playing skills to obtain a solid, soft and poetic sound. The lute repertoire and style can be divided into Venturi Wu Qu, Venturi and Wu Qu is based on different playing techniques and distinction, Venturi relies mainly on the left-hand techniques to create a mildly delicate, lyrical feeling, Wu Qu is to show the real and intense scenes by hand techniques. Most Wuqu is mainly through the right techniques to show the right hand technique described in Wu Qu said to be the most critical.

Key Words: Pipa  Wuqu  Right hand techniques
