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Body language, as an essential supplement of life means communicating and exchanging ideas. In other words, its importance should be bought to the forefront, especially in today’s English teaching. It is one of the effective ways to encourage students to have great interest in learning and develop students’ enthusiasm for learning. This paper means to study and probe the development background and development situation of body language. It also elaborates the manner of language use and how to use body language tactfully to motivate students’ learning interest, and will see how to use body language effectively to stimulate students’ enthusiasm of learning English.


Key words: body language; interest; development background; enthusiasm






2.The Brief Analysis of Body Language2

2.1 The background and current situation of body language.2

2.2 The classification of body language 3

2.2.1 The application of eye contact.3

2.2.2 The application of facial expression3

2.2.3 The application of gesture.4

3.The Advantages of Using Body Language.5

4.The Application of Body Language in Different Aspects.6

4.1 Body language contributes to improve listening.6

4.2 Body language contributes to improve speaking. .6

4.3. Body language contributes to improve reading.7

4.4. Body language contributes to improve writing.7

5.Suggestions for Using Body Language in English Teaching.8

5.1 Designing body language according to teaching content.8

5.2 Using body language under proper situation8

5.3 Using body language accurately and frequently 8

5.4 Paying attention to different culture background .9

6. Conclusion9

